Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Super Mario 35th Anniversary!

Back in September, Nintendo released a direct based around the 35th anniversary of Super Mario. This was similar to 10 years ago when Nintendo celebrated the 25th anniversary of Super Mario. I was 9 years old and my older brother got the Mario 25th anniversary dsi xl. And now 10 years later, another big milestone for Nintendo and their biggest game franchise, Super Mario. This time though, they went big with some new announcements. First, they announced a new classic system. No not the N64 classic or Gameboy classic, they announced a Game and Watch remake. The same size as the original one screen Game and Watch, LCD screen, comes with the original Super Mario Bros. and Game and Watch Ball, and a Mario themed watch. Next, a game I've been wanting on the Switch since it came out, Super Mario 3D World. Nintendo announced that they would release Super Mario 3D World on the Switch with bonus content called Bower's Furry. Then, they announced a new free game that comes with your  Nintendo Switch Online subscription, Super Mario Bros. 35. This is a game similar to Tetris 99, where you battle against other people playing the original Super Mario. You kill enemies to gain time, collect coins (20 coins can let you spin an item wheel that can give you either a mushroom, fire flower, star, or pow block), and try to be the last one standing. After that, Nintendo announced a new Mario Kart game (sort of?), Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit. An RC Mario Kart with an AR camera that allows you to build and race tracks in your house using your Switch as a remote and screen. Finally, Nintendo announced that Super Mario Allstars will be added to the SNES library on Switch. Now for the actual final announcement from Nintendo, a new 3D Mario collection on the Switch called Super Mario 3D Allstars. This game contains Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine, And Super Maio Galaxy (No Super Mario Galaxy 2). The collection also contains each game's soundtrack and this game will only be available physically and digitally until March of 2021 like Super Mario Bros. 35. This is all of the announcements Nintendo made during the Super Mario 35th anniversary direct. Some people were mad that the 3D Mario collection is only a limited release, I think that this makes sense and I'm not that mad about it. I am mad that Super Mario Bros. 35 is a limited release though because that game is really fun and addictive and I wish it would stay around, but that's Nintendo for you!     

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